National pineapple day 27 June



National pineapple day 27 June 2024

National pineapple day

International Pineapple Day is celebrating on 27th of June every year in 2024 this day is celebrated on 27 June Thursday. And this day is celebrated to give awareness to the people about the importance of pineapple in our diet. Because very few people know about the benefits of pineapple even in 2024.

So in this article we will know that why we are celebrating international pineapple day.

National pineapple day 27 June
National pineapple day 27 June

What the significant value of pineapple.

How use pineapple in our diet.

How to use of pineapple indifferent forms like pineapple juice, pineapple cake etc.

Now let’s get start to know about the refreshing fruit pineapple and its significant value in our diet.

First of define that what is pineapple?

Meaning of pineapple

 Pineapple is a very refreshing, sweet, delicious and tropical fruit. This tropical fruit is also a summertime favorite fruit. So, everyone should enjoy this delicious, sweet fruit.

The word “pineapple” is derived from English word and reproductive by “conifer tree” (monocotyledonous plant).

Conifer trees are called as pinecones by us.

Now explain the Benefits of Pineapple

Benefits of Pineapple

Vitamin C is present in the pineapple which is helpful to increase the immunity system.

Pineapple juice is rich of antioxidants, which helps to protect the body from damage and chronic disease such as cancer, heart attack etc.

Pineapple also contains bromelain.

Bromelain is a type of an enzyme which may help to reduced inflammation, improve digestion system and boost the immunity system.

  Good for skin health which is also promotes collagen production.

Improve skin complexion.

Pineapple juice support heart health.

Pineapple juice promotes healthy skin.

National pineapple day 27 June
National pineapple day 27 June

Additionally, manganese is also present in pineapple that’s play a role in bone health, energetic for women, especially as they age

Pineapple is really good for intimate health, but it is limited.

Pineapple is really beneficial for women's health

Pineapple is really helpful to improve the implantation, by increasing the blood flow to the uterus and reduced inflammation.

Interesting Facts About Pineapple

According to the history pineapple is also considered as hospitality.

Pineapples have become a symbol of good luck in Chinese culture.

Pineapples are symbolically favorable in Chinese culture (Sound as good fortune).

The first civilization to cultivate pineapple around 750 BC by The Mayas and Aztecs of Mexico 

 the plant originated in southern Brazil and Paraguay.

The country has the most pineapples


Production of Pineapple


2.7 million tons

Costa Rica

over 2.6 tons

 Different names of pineapple in different languages are listed here!


Names of pineapple







Pineapple and milk combination (Pineapple milkshake)

Pineapple milkshake is not a good choice. Because in the presence of bromelain combination of pineapple and milk 
causes series problems in your body such as stomach gas, nausea, infections, headache, and stomach pain.

pineapple is a tropical fruit and work well with other tropical fruit like as mango, banana, strawberry, orange, grapes, kiwi, and coconut.

Can we add milk in pineapple juice?

Pineapple juice contains a rich variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Possible health benefits of pineapple juice include boosting the immune system, better digestion, promoting healthy skin, and more. People have long used pineapple as an ancient home remedy for digestive issues and inflammation

Healthier fruit pineapple or apple?

Pineapples have a better nutritional profile as compared to apples. Pineapples are overall richer in vitamins, minerals, and proteins. While apples are higher in dietary fiber

Daily Consumption of Pineapple Juice

Pineapple contains a very good amount of sugar. It is fact pineapple juice increase immunity system. But on the other hand, side effect is that daily consumption of pineapple juice cause weight gain and excessive use of pineapple juice is responsible for diarrhea. While Unripe pineapple juice can cause toxicity in your gut and result in symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea.

·         Best fruit to mix with pineapple

·         Citrus fruits that pair well with pineapples are lemon, grapes and lime. But don't stop there; peaches, raspberries, strawberries, tamarind, mango, and papaya (tropical fruit) all taste good when juiced with pineapple

·         1 cup of pineapple is enough to eat.

·         Any fruit should eat after one hour of meal.

·         Recipe how to make homemade pineapple juice?

·         Ingredients

·         Pineapple :1 cup

·         Sugar: 1tsb

·         Black pepper :1 pinch (optional).

·         Water: 1 glass

·         Lemon juice: 1 1/2 tsp

·         Method

·         First of all, wash pineapple removes its green part and cover.

·         Pineapple cut into cubes.

·         Add all ingredients into a blender jug.

·         Blend it well.

·         Strain and transfer into a glass.

·         Garnish with pineapple chunks, ice cubes and lemon slices and few leaves of mint.

·         Delicious pineapple juice is ready which is full of nutrients, minerals and enzymes.

·         Add another fruit in this juice like mango, banana etc.

·         Precautions

·         Keep in mind buy fresh fruit if pineapple smells good means, it will be eatable.


Pineapple is pleasant, refresh and tropical fruit.

Pineapple can eat 1 cup the sufficient quality.

Pineapple consumes in the form of juice.

Pineapple increases immune system, good for healthy skin, improve skin complexion.

Pineapple juice is good for digestion system.

Pineapple is a tropical fruit and can eat with other tropical fruit like mango, banana etc.

Mostly pineapple found in Philippines mostly

Pineapple juice good for heart health.

Excessive use of pineapple juice is responsible for diarrhea.

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