Leap Year 29 February
February 2025 has 28
days. This is because 2025 is not
a leap year. Leap years means February have 29 days every four years, but 2025
is not divisible by 4
Meaning of Word Leap are given
Alternative words are Jump, dive, spring, hop and rise.
The reason for leap year
We have to observe leap year every 4 years that’s 365 days in a year and roughly 6 hours for Earth to orbit around the sun and we can’t have a 6-hour day so every four years the leap year comes and saves the day. A leap year occurs approximately every four years to keep our calendar in configuration with the Earth's revolutions around the Sun. It takes about 365. 24 days for the Earth to complete one full orbit. To account for the extra 0.24 days each year, an additional day is added to the calendar every four years, resulting in a leap year with 366 days instead of the usual 365. Leap years occur because although we use a 365day Gregorian calendar, our planet actually takes a bit longer than one year to travel around the sun. The time it takes for Earth to complete its orbit around the sun is 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 46 seconds.
However, this system isn't perfect because the extra 0.24 days add up to more than 24 hours when you look at it over a long period. To correct for this divergence, there are further rules: a year is only a leap year if it is divisible by 4, but if it is divisible by 100, it must also be divisible by 400 to be a leap year.
List of Leap year from 1940 to 2132.
1940 |
2036 |
1944 |
2040 |
1948 |
2044 |
1952 |
2048 |
1956 |
2052 |
1960 |
2056 |
1964 |
2060 |
1968 |
2064 |
1972 |
2070 |
1976 |
2074 |
1980 |
2078 |
1984 |
2082 |
1988 |
2086 |
1992 |
2092 |
1996 |
2096 |
2000 |
2100 |
2004 |
2104 |
2008 |
2108 |
2012 |
2112 |
2016 |
2116 |
2020 |
2120 |
2024 |
2124 |
2028 |
2128 |
2032 |
2132 |
Julius Caesar who introduced the leap year, then adjusted the calendar to line it up with the sun, Gold explained, adding Leap Day through decree. There are 12 months in a year every month has 30 or 31 days, but February is the only month that has the fewest days like 28 days so, in the 1700s, British law designated 29 of February as Leap Day.