Good Memory Day 19 January


 Good Memory Day 19 January 2025

Good Memory Day 

Good Memory Day is a wonderful day which is renowned on January 19th every year to honor the good times in the past and present, and to make new memories for the future. There are some ways to celebrate this day include: 

  • Getting together with loved ones
  • Looking through photo albums
  • Sharing stories
  • Planning events to create more memories
  • Making customized quizzes for family and friends.
    Good Memory Day 19 January
    Good Memory Day 19 January

Thinking about good memories can help people feel strong, happy and can help them tackle negative problems. It can also help people look at life in a more positive way. Good memories always have good impact in present and future. When people remember good memory of past, good memory make smile on their face and make their day, people feel happy to memorated the old happy memory.

Types of Good Memory

Good memories are in different forms like good memories in the form of photo album e.g. childhood photo album. Good memories are in the form of family get-together events or spend good time with family and friends. Childhood memories are also included in good memories.

Good Memory Day 19 January
Good Memory Day 19 January

Significance of Good Memory Day 19 January

 Good memory is celebrated to relish good moments from our past and present while making new ones for the future. On this day, we love to scroll through old photo albums and share a good laugh over a funny memory. When we memorated good memory, at that time we will create a new good memory and make that moment is so special.

Significance tips to improve memory

In this blog some significance tips are given to improve memory

Here is some significance guidelines are describe to helpful for the improvement of memory:

1.    Learn a new skill according to your interest.

2.  Learn new language( Learn more than one language).

3.  Follow a daily routine.

4.  Plan tasks, make to-do lists, and use memory tools such as calendars and notes. To make sure to complete task list.

5.    Once or twice organize everything and make life easy for example, put your wallet or purse, keys, phone, and glasses in the same place each day, organize your wardrobe, kitchen and organize your room.

6.  Keep active and Stay involved in activities that can help both the mind and body.

Protection of the brain and some significant exercises for good brain health.

There are 15 Ways to Protect Your Brain Health:

1.    Do regular cardio exercises, yoga and meditation.

2.  Take care of any medical problems.

3.  Thinkpositive.

4.  Avoid any type of stress, anxiety and depression.

5.   Take good nutrition or take good food that increase brain health like dark chocolate, coffee, almond, walnuts etc.

6.  Get good enough sleep.

7.   Regular monthly checkup.

8.  Stay socially engaged, have good social circle, good friends.

9.  Try “brain teasers” like crossword puzzles, word finds, word games, etc.

10.   Switch careers or volunteer.

11. Read a book.

12.    Keep up on current events.

13.  Start a new hobby according to your interest.

14.  Learn to play an instrument like guitar, piyano etc.

15. Set gaols, make list how to achieve our  goals, keep in mind work on it with consistancy.


Overall, a larger brain size and volume is associated with better cognitive functioning and higher intelligence. The specific regions that show the healthiest correlation between volume and intelligence are the frontal, temporal and parietal lobes of the brain.

Good Memory Day 19 January
Good Memory Day 19 January

Simple memory tips and tricks to memorize fast include:

1.    First of all, try to understand the information. After this “Information” that is organized and makes sense to you is easier to memorize.

2.  Link it.

3.  Sleep on it.

4.  Self-test.

5.   Use distributed practice.

6.  Write it out( write out the information or problem , understand them and try to sole the problem, this trick is 100 % working to understand the information and solve any complicated problem).

7.   Create meaningful groups.

8.  Use mnemonics (reminders).

History of Good Memory Day

The human brain is complex and unique thing. Memory continues to be part of the brain that is difficult to understand. Scientists have dedicated decades to understanding the brain and memory, making significant paces while recognizing there’s still more to explore. Whether it’s appreciating the joyful moment the baby was born or reliving the excitement of winning that middle school footrace, today is a celebration of those beautiful memories! This day serves not just for fun but also reminds us that recalling positive memories can truly enhance our well-being.

In fact, some research has revealed that regularly recalling positive memories may have the power to lower the risk of depression or even act as a reverse for depression in some people.

Good Memory Day acts as a great aide-memoire to think about and focus on things in the past that have brought joy and enjoyment, no matter how small.

Celebration of Good Memory Day 19 January 2025

There are many ways to celebrate this beautiful day (good memory day 19 January). Don’t forget to celebrate Good Memory Day by implementing some of these fun ideas for the day:

Good Memory Day 19 January
Good Memory Day 19 January

Create a Good Memory Book

Learn How to Improve Your Memory

Instead of swishing to use the calculator, try doing simple arithmetic problems in your head.

Learn a foreign language, some research has proven that people who learn foreign languages may have larger brains.

Memorize lists and recall this list.

Make video or write article about old good memories.

Give tribute to your elders.

Organize family get-together and spend good time, make new good memories.

Draw maps from memory. Each time you visit a new location, make it a challenge to draw a map of the place from memory and then see how accurate it is. It is difficult but not impossible; anything can be done if you have a good memory.


What is good thing for memory in Islam?

In Islam, various practices are believed to enhance memory and reduce forgetfulness. One such practice is cupping (hijaamah) on the head, which many have found helpful based on personal experience. For further insights, you can refer to "Al-Tibb-e-Nabawi" (The Medicine of the Prophet) by Ibn al-Qayyim. Ultimately, Allah knows best.

Write the top 10 tips to improve brain function and memory capacity?

1. Do regular cardio exercises, yoga and meditation.

 2. Take care of any medical problems. 

 3. Think positive.

 4. Avoid any type of stress, anxiety and depression. 

 5. Take good nutrition or take good food that increase brain health like dark chocolate, coffee, almond, walnuts etc.

 6. Get good enough sleep.

 7. Regular monthly checkup.

 8. Stay socially engaged, have good social circle, good friends.

 9. Try “brain teasers” like crossword puzzles, word finds, word games, etc.

 10. Switch careers or volunteer.

Write the name of food that activate 100% of our brain?

Food like berries, citrus fruits, dark chocolate, nuts, walnut eggs, avocados, salmon, olive oil, beets, rosemary, bone broth, and turmeric into our diet, enhance our memory, focus, and concentration for long term. This food actually activates 100% of our brain activity, so must add this food in our diet.

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