International Coffee Day
This day (Happy International Coffee Day) is celebrated on the 1st of October. Every year Happy World Coffee Day is celebrated to raise awareness among people about the advantages and disadvantages of coffee and how to use coffee. Which type of people can take coffee and which type of people can't use coffee? What are the side effects of coffee? And how to take a quantity of coffee in a day. All these points are discussed in this article.
Now first discuss the benefits of Coffee.
Coffee powder is used in Different medicines like weight loss medicine.
It is also used in the medicine of flu and cough.
There are many benefits of coffee. Some of them are listed here!
It will improve mental health.
Prevent stress and depression.
It will help to reduce weight rapidly.
It will increase stamina.
Use coffee before going to the gym. it will be helpful for muscle building in boys.
It will prevent sour throat and different Diseases of the liver, Cancer, and Breast cancer. Prevent colon cancer.
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It will improve long-term memory.
It is an antioxidant. Which will help the body to fight Different chronic diseases like heart attack, cancer, diabetes, obesity, etc.
The anti-aging property also exists in the Coffee. Use a coffee powder with honey, lemon, and aloe vera gel. this remedy makes your skin shiny, beautiful, soft, and wrinkle-free.
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If you take a cup of coffee in a day, within 15 minutes your brain will be active next 6 hours. And the next 6 hours the effects of caffeine (caffeine is a type of drug that exists in coffee) will slow down.
Now discuss the side effects of coffee.
Don't take an overdose of coffee.
If a person takes a quantity of coffee more than 300 grams in a day. It will lead to dehydration. It will cause depression and anxiety.
It will cause blood deficiency.
It will increase the weight.
It will disturb the digestion system.
Increase the blood pressure.
It will disturb the sleep cycle.
Pregnant women don't take coffee more than 100g in a day. It is harmful to pregnant women.
The Third Point is the Types of Coffee/Vocabularies
#1. Espresso (Coffee + Water) and (stronger).
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#2. Americano. (Expressive plus water).
#3. Latte (Expresso, milk, and milk foam)
#4. Cappuccino (Expresso, milk and milk foam)
#5. Flat white (Expresso + milk)
#6. Macchiato (Expresso +milk).
#7. Mocha (Expresso + milk and milk foam).
Name the drugs that are used in coffee?
"Caffeine " is the drug that is used in coffee.
Is coffee a beverage?
Yes! Coffee is a beverage, and it is stronger and better than other beverages.
Can all people use coffee in their diet?
No! People who are already facing high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, heart problems, and diabetes can't use coffee in their diet.
write 2 biggest benefits of coffee?
There are many benefits of coffee, but the two biggest benefits of coffee are listed here! (1) It will reduce weight immediately. (2) It will keep you active and fresh for all day.