World Food Day 16th October 2023



World Food Day 16th October 2023

    This is celebrated on the 16th of October every year. This day is celebrated to raise awareness among people about the importance of food because some keep very busy in their professional life and don’t focus on their health like some businessme or mostly housewives are not focused on their health and diet plan. They are always busy in their work. As a result, with timely, they face many health issues with the passage of time like malnutrition, deficiency of calcium, protein,, vitamin D etc.

    World Food Day 16th October 2023
    World Food Day 16th October 2023


    World Food Day Quotes

    Health is a great blessing of God.

    The ever-green quote of health

    Health is wealth.

    Now discuss the history, significance, theme, and values of World Food Dayprotect.

     3 Main Functions of Food

    If we are consuming nutrient-dense food, our bodies can produce energy to repair themselves. It can protect us from different diseases, and give us a good complexion and an even longer lifespan. As was stated above, there are three functions of food: 

    (1) Nutrition absorption, (2)Satisfying psychological needs (3)Physical adjustment.

    Three major types of food according to biology

    There are three major classes of food according to biology are

     (1) Carbohydrates (2) Fats, (3) Proteins.

    World Food Day 16th October 2023
    World Food Day 16th October 2023

     These types of food are also known as macromolecules, and we consume them in the foods we eat. They are each necessary in our bodies in different ways.

    The major components of food are carbohydrates, fats, and protein which are required in large amounts vitamins and minerals are necessary and also required for our good health, but less as compared to carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.


    Introduced World Food Day

    In November 1979 “The World Food Day” was established by FAO's Member Countries at the Organization's 20th General Conference.

    .Write the name of the components of food that are very necessary for our health, named as:








    Major 5 group of food

    In 2015-2020 according to Dietary Guidelines for Americans, they emphasized the Significance of an overall healthy eating pattern with all five groups as key building blocks and plus oils. The five food groups are:







    Why do we eat food?

    The major concept of food

    Food is one of the basic and important needs of the body. Food contains nutrients and, and substances that are necessary for the growth, repair, and maintenance of the bbody'stissues, muscles, and bones, and for the regulation of important processes. These nutrients and substances provide energy to our bodies which need to function. Food provides energy to the body and this energy is measured in calories. Calories are the unit of energy. 

    Describe vitamins and Their Resources



    Vitamin A

    Paneer, Butter, Fish, Liver, Carrots, Spanish, Tomato,


    Vitamin B

    Wheat, Meat, Milk, Beans, Spanish, Peas.


    Vitamin C

    Lemon, Oranges,  Grapefruit, Apple, Carrots, Tomato, Amla, Cabbage.

    Vitamin D

    Liver, Fish oil, Egg, Butter, Milk.

    Vitamin E

    Wheat, Egg, Milk, Meat, Salad.

    Difference between food and nutrition


             Food is the stuff we eat and drink. Ingredients that are present in food are called nutrition. Which is very significant for our body. This nutrition provides us energy which is important for the function of our body. The founder of nutrition was        Antoine Laurent de Lavoisier, he introduced nutrition in 1770.

            The Social Significant of Food

    Food is a significant part of the cultural heritage and national identity. It can connect us to people and places, bringing friends and families together, and food habits, such as whether you should eat all of the food on your plate distinction across the world.


    Definition of a clean diet

    A clean diet contains whole fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats while restraining highly processed snacks and other packaged foods with added sugar and salt. It is also associated with these terms plant-based, grass-fed, sugar-free, or gluten-free.

    5 2 diet Concept


    The 5:2 diet is based on a principle known as recurrent fasting. This is where you eat normally at certain times and then fast during additional times. There are different types, but the 5:2 diet includes eating a normal, healthy diet for five days each week and 'fasting' for the last two days.

    Which food is good for health?


    Top 12 Foods for Good Health

      Water:  Drink 8 to 12 cups of water daily.

      Green leafy Vegetables eat at least three to four times a week.

     Whole Grains. Eat whole grains at least two or three times daily.

        Beans and Lentils. Try to eat a bean-based meal at least once a week



     Winter Squash


     Dairy products like milk, curd, cheese butter, etc.

     Turmeric is like turmeric milk.


    Dry Fruits



    The Dairy Group

    Milk, yogurt, cheese, lactose-free milk, fortified soy milk, and yogurt. Are included in the dairy group. The Dairy Group does not comprise foods made from milk that have little calcium and high-fat content. Examples of this are cream cheese, sour cream, cream, and butter.

    The protein foods group

    ·          Protein Foods contain all foods made from seafood; meat, poultry, and eggs; beans, peas, and lentils; and nuts, seeds, and soy products. Beans, peas, and lentils (pulses) are also part of the Vegetable Group.

    Definition of Food According to Biology

    Food science is comprise of many chastisements such as biology, chemical engineering, and biochemistry in an attempt to better understand food progressions and eventually improve food products for the general public.

    Food Drying or Freshening process

    Aeration or “dehydrating” food is a method of food preservation that removes abundant moisture from the food so bacteria, yeast, and molds cannot grow.

    World Food Day 16th October 2023
    World Food Day 16th October 2023

    ·         Top16 Preserved Food

    ·         Fruits:

    ·          jams,

    ·          jellies,

    ·          dried fruit,

    ·          canned,

    ·          bottled,

    ·          freeze dried,

    ·          frozen, pickled

    ·         . Vegetables:

    ·         , pickled

    ·         . Meats:

    ·         pepperoni,

    ·         salami,

    ·         jerky,

    ·         fish, 

    ·          salted anchovies in oil.

    Benefits of Food Preservation

    Food preservation extends food's shelf-life.

    ·         Food preservation increases the supply of food.

    ·         Food preservation cuts down on food waste.

    Food preservation helps to reduce dietary insufficiencies.

     Major 4 Steps of Food Safety


            Four Steps to Food Safety: 






     Following these four simple steps at home, "Clean, Separate, Cook, and Chill". These steps help to protect you and your loved ones from food poisoning.

     Major Causes of Food Spoilage


     There are many factors for cause food spoilage, making items inappropriate for consumption. Light, oxygen, heat, humidity, temperature, and decomposition of bacteria can all affect both the safety and quality of unpreserved foods. When subject to these factors, foods will gradually decline.

    The Characteristics of Food

    ·         These food quality phases include appearance, including size, shape, shiny finish, color, flavor consistency flavor comprised, texture, flavour, and nutritional content.

    Describe do we cook food?

    ·         Food may be stained with harmful microbes that can cause disease. The high temperatures involved in cooking kill these microorganisms. Cooking also makes food easier to digest. It can improve the food's appearance, texture, and flavor, too.


    Take a proper diet. Never skip a meal. Keep balance in the diet and make your life healthy and beautiful.

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