Happy Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023


 Happy global wind day

is celebrated on the 15th of June every year. Global wind day or world wind day in 2023 is observed on the 15th of June Friday.

Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023
Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023

 The main purpose of Global wind day

 Global wind today is an unofficial holiday it is an annual event celebrated as world  wind day or global wind day is celebrated to raise awareness among people about the vital role of wind energy and its potential to alleviate climate change means how to use wind energy to reduce the flow of heat-trapping greenhouse gas (GHG) into the atmosphere and from a main source like power plants, ocean, factories, farms, forest, and soil. Wind energy absorbs these gases and makes the climate free of heat-trapping gases like greenhouse gas.
Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023
Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023

Measurement of wind

There are different types of parameters which is used to measure the speed, directions, and other characteristics of wind. Some of them are listed here!

  • Anemometer: It is a device that is specially designed to measure the speed of wind.
    Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023
    Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023

  • Wind Vanes/Weathervanes: This device is used to measure the directions of the wind.

Windsocks: It is a large fabric tubes. Open this tube at both ends one end of this fabric tube is attached to a pole to find out the direction of the win. This parameter is used mostly at airports to indicate the wind direction and speed of the wind to pilots.
Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023
Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023

  • Wind Profilers: It is an advanced instrument that is used to measure the vertical profile of wind speed and wind direction at different altitudes. Particularly this parameter is used in meteorological stations for research and aviation purpose.
  • LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging): LIDAR is a system that emits laser pulses that reflect back after hitting airborne particles such as dust or aerosols.
  • It measures the time it takes for those pulses to return. By analyzing the returned pulses, it is possible to determine the wind speed and directions at different altitudes using LIDAR,
  • Weather Station: Various parameters are used in the weather station like an anemometer, wind vanes, etc. In weather stations, these parameters are used to measure wind speed, directions, and other characteristics like temperature, humidity, and atmospheric pressure.
    Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023
    Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023

History of world wind day

  •  Recent developments in wind energy technology have been attributed to the industrial revolution.  In the late 19th century, a wind turbine was developed to the19th century, a wind turbine was developed to generate electricity.  In 1888 Charles F. Brush was the first to construct a wind turbine that could generate electricity in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Around 12 kilowatts of power were generated by this 17-meter-diameter turbine.
    Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023
    Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023

  • Theme of Global Wind Day 2023

The theme of World Global Day is “Promote Renewable Energy.”

Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023
Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023

Activities of Global Wind Day 2023

  • There are various activities to do today, like writing a blog on wind energy and its benefits.
  • Share a video on world wind Day on different social media platforms.
  • Attend different seminars, campaigns, or events about global wind day. Share your knowledge with family, friends, and children about what is wind energy and its benefits, and how to use wind energy positively.
  • Organize educational campaigns or events to educate them about global wind day and why celebrate wind day.
    Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023
    Global Wind Day - 15th June 2023

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