World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health

World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health


 World Food Safety Day 2023

World food safety day is observed on the 7th of June every year.  In 2023 World food safety day be observed on 7th of June Thursday. The main purpose to celebrate this day is to raise awareness in people about the safety of food. Because good food has a significant tool for good health. Nobody can live without food for more than 14-15 hours. So, good food is really important for good health and good health is really important for a good and healthy life. World food safety day is observed on the 7th of June and World food day is observed on the 16th of October every year. The safety of food is a responsibility from farm to fork and fork to the table.

World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health
World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health

History of world food safety day

In 2018 General Assembly of the United States and (WHO) the World Health Organization decided to celebrate World food safety day on the 7th of June every year. 

Rules to save the food.

  • Keep washed and clean!
  • Peel thinly due to waste of important nutrients.
  • Separate raw and cook.
  • Cook thoroughly on medium flame or low flame but don't cook on much high flame. but don't overcook.
  • Keep food at a safe temperature.
  • Wash food with clean water.
    World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health
    World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health

World food safety day slogans

The theme/slogan of world food safety day is "Food Standard Safe Lives"
World food safety day logo
World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health
World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health

World Food safety day activities

Write a Blog with images and videos.

 make a video that how to save food and share these videos on different social media platforms!

 launch a campaign.

 organize an event in schools, colleges universities, or in offices and raise awareness about what to do and how to save food!

  because health is wealth and good food is a really significant tool for better health

 better health is important for a healthy lifestyle.

Safety of food at farms

  •  Educate the workers who work on farms educate them about soil management and water management to protect crops from insects. Train and educate the farm workers about the food safety practice. To protect consumers' health and prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses, food safety on farms must be ensured. To promote food safety on farms, the following methods are commonly used and listed here: 
    World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health
    World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health

  • Following guidelines and standards for safe agricultural practices are essential to implementing good agricultural practices (GAPs). The proper handling of animal waste, management of water quality, use of safe and approved pesticides, and prevention of contamination from outside sources are all really significant for this process.
  • Protect crops from harmful factors like insects that destroy the crops after the harvesting process.

    World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health
    World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health

  • . Regular testing and monitoring of the soil, such as heavy metals and pesticides, help ensure that crops are not absorbing harmful substances. Healthy and safer crops can also be achieved through proper soil management practices, such as composting and crop rotation.
  • Management of water quality: Irrigation, washing produce, and providing water to livestock must comply with quality standards. Testing and treating water sources regularly prevents contamination and ensures their safety.
  • Keep hygiene and sanitization practices among farm workers for example washing your hands keep personal hygiene better hygiene processes should be maintained add farm places farm should be neat and 

    World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health
    World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health
  • Properly train and educate your workers at the farm about handling the storage of food etc. This means the food safety process should know by farm workers and keep updated about new things about the food safety process.
  • Now let’s discuss food safety at the domestic level.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with hand wash or soap and with hot water for 20 seconds before handling any food. wash your hands before you eat any Ford and not only wash your hands but also wash any fruit or vegetable before eating.
  • Kitchen should be neat and clean and sanitized and everything in the kitchen like utensils surfaces cutting boards knives everything should be neat clean and sanitized to ensure the safety of food and also know that the safety of food is really crucial for better health and a better life.
    World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health
    World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health

  • Keep separate meet poultry eggs from floors and other vegetables add cook meals use separate cutting boards utensils for raw and cooked food because of bacterial contamination now discuss some other essential steps for saving your food at home when you eat some food and the remaining food in the plate never keep it displayed or port, as it keeps this sport covered with air sled and store in the refrigerator, should keep in mind food can be store in the refrigerator to keep food safe and stop the growth of bacteria.

Food can be safe at the domestic level in the form of canned food. stored in the refrigerator at a particular temperature like 4 degrees Celsius or below it. food can be safely in the form of jam, Jelly, and Pickles.

World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health
World Food Safety Day - Good Food Better Health

  • How to preserve milk at home?

    Milk. boil at 100 degrees Celsius to kill the bacteria. There is no need to add any preservatives to milk. When you boil it at 100 degrees Celsius. Now the flame should be off. And cool down. Make it at room temperature. Never keep hot milk in the refrigerator. When it becomes cools down to room temperature then you can keep it in the refrigerator or store it in the refrigerator.

  • But in the case of milk products, you can add preservatives to, enhance the shelf life of milk. Preservatives are used to increase the shelf life of the products.

    . For example, sodium benzoate is used to preserve food from yeast. mold, and other types of bacteria. sodium benzoate is a preservative used in pickles, jam, jelly salad, and vegetables to enhance their shelf life.

    Potassium sorbate is widely used to preserve food from the growth of mold, yeast, and certain type of bacteria. 

    Hydrogen peroxide is widely used. In a very small amount to reduce the growth of microbial bacteria in contamination in milk. 

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