World Environment Day 2023

World Environment Day 2023



In 1973 United Nations environment program announced that 5th June of every year celebrate as a World environment day. On 5th of June Tuesday 2023 celebrated as national environment day. millions of people celebrate this national environmental day across the world it is an unofficial holiday.
World Environment Day 2023
World Environment Day 2023

 When and why celebrate national environment day?

 on 5th of June of every year celebrate national environment day and the basic purpose to celebrate national environment day is how to save and protect our environment.

What is the theme of national environment day in 2023?

In 2023 the theme of national environment day is “People’s action on plastic pollution matter”.

The slogans of national environment today

There are different slogans of national e

World Environment Day 2023
World Environment Day 2023

environment day like save our planet, go green, breathe clean and stop pollution.

Explain some factors which are harmful for our environment?

There are some factors which are harmful for our environment like through garbage on earth, plastic bottles, wrappers, which destroy the beauty of earth.

A lots of pollution like air pollution water pollution noise pollution which is not only harmful for our environment but also it is really harmful for our health.

 protection of the environment

 there are some important factors and rules if we apply these rules, we can protect our environment from harmful factors some important factors and rules are listed here!

1)      Follow the 3R rules: R1, R 2, R3.

  1.  R1 means reuse, R2 means recycle and R3 means reduced. means Matels, glass, plastics etc.

    For the protection of an environment organize different communities which will for the benefits of an environment like SCOPE (society for conservation and protection of environment)

     it will work for the government of Pakistan for the protection of natural resources and create awareness among the people.

    2)      Never throw garbage on earth people go on picnic on different places and eat things and rappers throw on earth so everyone should do one thing that never throw garbage here and there garbage throws in a dustbin. If you travel in a car or bus or any other vehicle gay bar shop pink bag in the car or vehicle each rapper keeps in this shopping bag and never throw on the road and never throw these wrappers in the vehicle and when you are back through this shopping bag in the dustbin and wash your hands with soap or hand wash take care of yourself and keep hygiene.

    World Environment Day 2023
    World Environment Day 2023

    3)      Plant a tree many people for different purpose Cut the trees which effects on climate and different things. So, we should follow that slogan like go green so that we will be breath clean. trees provide us more oxygen and make our climate more beautiful.

    World Environment Day 2023
    World Environment Day 2023

     so, we should plant trees as possible as and never cut trees.

    Plants provide more oxygen. living things get oxygen from their environment during cellular respiration.

    World Environment Day 2023
    World Environment Day 2023

     Humans take up oxygen from the surrounding atmosphere and release carbon dioxide, plants take up carbon dioxide from environment and release oxygen, which is used by living things like the human, birds, animals etc. this process is called gaseous exchange.

    World Environment Day 2023
    World Environment Day 2023

    If we promote deforestation that process gaseous exchange becomes wrong means carbon dioxide is more in the environment as compared to oxygen.

     All living things need more oxygen as compared to carbon dioxide then living things get more carbon dioxide as compared to oxygen the breathing problem faces by living things so we should promote a forestation means plant a tree.

    World Environment Day 2023
    World Environment Day 2023

  2. Harmful effects of deforestation are ozone depletion, climate change and smog formation.

Unfavorable changes in the chemical composition of water, air and earth called water pollution, air pollution and earth pollution. This type of pollution not only harmful for nature but also damage the health of living things.
Harmful effects of pollution are listed here! 

So, we should follow steps to control all type of pollution like
Water conservation tap will be off when you need no water.
 Don't waste electricity.
Promote afforestation, means plant a tree and avoid deforestation.
Shop wisely.
Use environment friendly fuels.
Modification in industrial fuels.

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