International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023

International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023


Every year on 4th of June observed International Day of innocent children's victims of aggression the children who are abuse by physically mentally or emotionally. every year many children are affected by any type of abuses. The United Nation affirms that they protect the children’s rights.

Throughout the world every year many children are victim of mentally physically emotionally abuse or disturb which will affect their personality, mental ability and also affected them physically some of children becomes more violent children and other people never cares and love them and by this process children lost their many of emotions. children face emotional losses. Their elders never focus on them and never fulfill their emotional needs.

International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023
International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023

Reasons of International day of innocent children's victims of aggression

 Many places in the world where war and the conflict is a part of their everyday life. There is no Stone Age but in modern age many people create a bar and make their environment so conflicted so negative vibes around there which effects the thought of their children which makes the wrong personality of the children's.

 children are a basic pillar of our nation and our country, but the thought of children becomes wrong when they are victim of physically mentally emotionally abuses.

International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023
International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023

 Name of countries is listed here where children are not safe including.








When and why observed International Day of innocent children's victims of aggression?

 In August of 19 1982 united nation in General Assembly declared 4th of June as an International Day of innocent children's victims of aggression the main purpose of observed this day to protect their children against any type of abuse and torture like physically mentally or emotionally abused.

 the main reason of observed and celebrate this day to create awareness among the people to protect their child from any type of abuse and torture.

 How celebrates this day?

 there are four ways to celebrate this day.

 first of all, held an event about children’s right that how protected their children from any type of mentally, physically, emotionally abuses and torture and how cares and love their children gives all rights to their children which they deserve and teach their children about the respect cares and love of their elders. their parents and other relatives should also love their children and cares them.

Donate to an organization which helps and protect the child who are victim of any type of abuse.

 third thing is to organize or participate in a campaign which create awareness about the rights of the children.

 the 4th thing is to write a blog or video on children's rights and shares on social media platforms.

International Day of innocent children victim of aggression is remembered the pain and suffering of children who are really victim of any type of abuser tortures so nation should create a peaceful, safer and more secure environment. How videos innocent children victim of aggression some steps should be followed by mission nation to reduce the innocent children victim of aggression some steps are listed here!

International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023
International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023

1: Never neglected their children's parents should attention to their children gives love and value.

2: All people love children without any discrimination like race, color, gender, status or anything.

3: All children have same rights to up brings in a peaceful safer and nurturing environment every child has a right to live with their parents every child has a right of good education and good health every parent should give this right to their children.

4: keep in mind that never neglect any opinion of the child or never neglect their child in any matter gives attention to their child when they need.

 5: Good opinion and views of your child never neglect them.

 6: Helps in study matter of your child and also promotes the hobbies of your children.

International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023
International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023

 7: Teaches your children about boundaries, norms values, discipline and healthy lifestyle.

8: Encourage the good qualities of your children but when then have mistaken you should teach them in a positive way never use harsh words




 Make their environment peaceful, made and clean, free of war and conflict. Everyone respects each other's.

 Gives right to others.

 They learn these things makes their life peaceful happy and free of mentally, physically and emotionally abuses.

International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023
International Day of Innocent Children's Victims of Aggression 2023

 Elders and all relatives and people leave around the environment should give care and love of their children and never abuse them or never physically tortured them make their environment happy, need and clean and peaceful.

 To participate or organized activities or campaigns which will promote peace, justice and also promotes the rights of children.

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