The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2023



The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer is the 16th of September 2023.

International Day the preservation of the ozone layer 

This day is celebrated on 16th of September every year this day is observed to create awareness among people about what is ozone and what is ozone layer what are the benefits of ozone and what are the disadvantages of ozone layers and how it can be harmful for humans and what are the benefits of ozone layer for the living things and non-living things.
The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2023
The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2023

History of The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer”

In 1995  (23-01-1995) the General Assembly of the United Nation, proclaimed 16th of September, observed International Day for the Preservation of Ozone Layer.The main purpose to celebrate this day is to create awareness among people about how to protect ozone layer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the ozone layer? How is the ozone layer?

The formula of ozone is "three molecules of oxygen makes ozone."


Beneficial for the living and non-living things which exist on the earth.

 The theme of International Day for the Preservation of Ozone layer in 2023.

“Healing the Ozone Layer and Contesting Climate Change”

The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2023
The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2023

What is Ozone?

Ozone is a protective shield that protects the earth from the harmful, unwanted UV rays (Ultraviolet). Which cause skin cancer, increase anti-aging process and also effect the marine life. Both living and non-living things are affected badly due to the harmful radiations of UV rays.

The slogan for the World Ozone Preservation Day


vProtecting Ozone, Protective Life

vHeal the Ozone, Give back the Earth

vDefending the Ozone Layer, Maintenance Tomorrow

vIntegrated for Blue Skies, United for Ozone

The meaning of all slogans is that if you want to a good life on earth save ozone layer and try to never harm ozone la the protective layer. Basically, Ozone is the protective shield to protect the earth from harmful UV rays which can damage skin, and cause skin cancer it is really bad for marine life and plants.

The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2023
The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2023

What are the causes of Ozone layer depletion?

Some of the most significant and regulated chemicals, such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs), are effective greenhouse gases. Chlorofluorocarbons is the simple form of hydro Fluro chlorocarbons.

Bromine, Chlorine, methane, nitrogen, unregulated launches rockets, and volcanos will destroy the ozone layer. Which causes to increase in the UV rays (violation rays) on Earth. Air conditioners, refrigerators, and AC is the cause of releasing chlorofluorocarbons.

 Disadvantages of high UV rays reaching the earth.

When high UV rays reach the earth it will increase the temperature of the earth, the temperature reach 48 degrees Celsius, climate change, damage to the human skin, increase in the anti-aging process, Marine life is also affected due to high UV rays.

There are four layers of the ozone layer named as

1.  Stratosphere

2.  Mezo sphere

3.  Troposphere

4.  Exosphere

The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2023
The International Day for Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2023

The stratosphere exists 20km- 30 km above the earth. While the mesosphere, troposphere, and exosphere exist on about 15-35 km above the earth.

What is ozone depletion?

Ozone depletion is a hole in the ozone layer.

How ozone depletion is toxic for us?

Ozone depletion is the main reason UV radiation (harmful rays) reaches the earth and these harmful rays are not beneficial for living and non-living things.

In 1913 ozone depletion was discovered by French physicists Charles, Fabry, and Henry Bussian.

What are the side effects of harmful UV rays?

There are harmful side effects of UV rays on us are listed here!


Skin cancer

Increase anti-aging process.

Lung's problem



Sore throat

Skin burning

Short temper

How avoid ozone depletion or harmful UV rays?

There are many ways to reduce ozone depletion and stop harmful UV rays on Earth. Some significant steps are listed here to stop ozone depletion!

  • Promote greenery.
  • Don't buy atomizer products with chlorofluorocarbons (CFC)/Less use these products.
  • Organize pre-1995 refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioning units properly.

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