Happy International Project Management Day



Happy International Project Management Day 2 November 2023

When and why celebrate International Project Management Day?

    Every first Thursday of November celebrates International Project Management Day annually and this day is celebrated to appreciate the significant role of project managers that play in our organizations. This year, it falls on November 2.

    Celebrate International Project Management Day
    Happy International Project Management Day
    Happy International Project Management Day 

    Organize a lunch for your project management team and thank them for their hard work. This is a great way to show your appreciation for their efforts and show them that their work is valuableRemarkable meetings and events can be put together to have the company and supervise show their gratitude and give people not used to being project managers a chance to see what it's all about and how multiple even the smallest project can be to organize.

    The main purpose of international project management

     The main purpose of Happy International Project Management Day is that “In today's business world, international project management is becoming progressively more crucial as businesses continue to develop into new and multiple countries and markets, either to increase their market share or to reduce costs by applying more efficient resources found in other countries.

    Basic phases of international project management

    There are 5 basic phases in the project management process:

    •     Project Initiation.
    • ·         Project Planning.
    • ·         Project Execution.
    • ·         Project Monitoring and Controlling.
    • ·         Project Closing.
      Happy International Project Management Day
      Happy International Project Management Day 

    The responsible for day-to-day project management

    The project manager (who manages the project) is the individual responsible for given that the project. The individual who leads and manages the project team, with authority and responsibility from the project board, to run the project on a day-to-day basis.

    The activities of the project management

    There are some significant activities of the Project manager which are listed here!

    He plans the project and guides other members about this project.

    An activity is normally one stage of a project management plan. Each activity consists of one or more actions that, upon accomplishment, will lead to the next project stage.

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