International Almond Day 16 February 2023.

International Almond Day 16 February 2023.


Why celebrated 16th February as international almond day?                                             

International Almond Day 16 February 2023.

16 February. 2023.Is celebrated. As an International Almond Day. This day is Celebrated to award people About the Importance of almonds in our life. Everybody Eats almonds, but nobody can know about the interesting fact about almonds. Everybody knows that it is good for the skin, and for health. Because almond has vitamin E. In winter People consumes nuts more as compared to summer. But Almond is only a nut That we can consume 365 days of a year. It Is a versatile and delicious nut. And it is filled with vitamin E, and magnesium and has a wonderful effect on health. So, in February. Celebrate as a national almond day to tribute to the Almond, take it as a powerhouse of energy. It helps the body to fight the disease. Which country is the best for the production of almonds, than the United state? California is a famous country. About almond. Almond is delicious. And powerful nut. European Union is the second country. Which produce almonds. Almond is a butter-intense crop. That is grown in one of the most. Drought-stricken areas. These drought-stricken areas are Available in the United States, mostly in California. Therefore. United State California especially leads in the first position in the production of almonds. 

Interesting Facts about almonds: Almonds are the delicious nut that is packed with vitamins, fibers, minerals, and other nutrients. Plus it is a great source of protein and healthy fat. It is also helpful to reduce belly fat. And reduce the risk of high cholesterol levels. Almond is a nut. Which is helpful to reduce Weight in Jordan. Almond trees are the oldest domesticated trees Dating back to 3000 to 2000 BC. Almond. Will help to regulate the blood sugar level in the body. Almonds also. Produce Pakistan. The Country[pakistan] ranks.17th in terms of almond production in the world. Cultivated almonds. On approximately 10,000 hectares and producing 22,000. Tons of almonds every year.      

In what Part of Pakistan do almonds grow? pukka almonds are grown in the valleys of the Karakoram mountains in northern Pakistan. It grows well on Stony soils Sunny slopes and adds. Altitudes. Between 700.And 1700 meters above sea level. Technically speaking, almonds are not nerds, but kernels, and therefore belong to the Stone Family. How many Almonds. eat in a day.? There are 23 almonds consumed in a day. It's OK. In terms of once per ounce? Almond's rank as the tree nut that contains the most protein, fiber, calcium, vitamin, riboflavin, and nation. Keep in mind the 1-2-3-year rule according to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. One ounce of almonds or 23 almond nuts Is the ideal daily serving. Cultivated almond. Own about 10,000 and produce 22,000 tons. What are the benefits of eating 10 almonds per day?                               Almonds are an excellent source of Protein. Vitamin E. Fiber. Healthy fat. Heart-healthy fats Calcium. Added ten almonds to your daily life or add to your daily meal plan. Can help you to reach your nutrient needs. Even eating almonds every day in your meal may. Help you to maintain a healthy body weight. 

There are higher almond production countries are here!


Production of almonds

United state





















What happened in your body when you eat 5 almonds Per day? When you eat just Four or five almonds in your meal in the morning. It will prevent you from many diseases like it will prevent your high-risk factors of heart disease, High cholesterol level accumulation of bad fat in your body, and High blood pressure When you eat just 4 to 5 almonds. In a day. In the morning. It will be secure and safe for your heart. it will also provide you energy in the form of protein, vitamins, and calcium. Some important types of almonds are found in Pakistan Like Kagzy Badham Abdul Wahadi Badam. American soft-shell almond. Australian Kazi Badham. Gurbani Badam. American almond Giri. Kalmi Badam. What is the healthiest way to eat almonds? Raw or roasted almonds are the best way to eat them. Because raw or roasted almonds have Packed with 100% nutrients. The benefits of almonds always are not only helpful and healthy for our internal body, but it is also helpful for our external body and also helpful for our health. Now discuss Almonds How it is helpful for our hair? Almond oil Is very helpful for our hair. It also controls hair fall and is helpful for hair regrowth. Now discuss how Armand is helpful. For our skin, we use almonds for our skin as a mask. We can use almond Powder as a face mask. How make a mask from almonds? Add almond powder, add rice powder plus add rose water Plus honey. Mix it well. Make a mask. Apply on your face, your hand, and also your feet It will reduce wrinkles and make your skin younger because almonds are full of Vitamin E and minerals. Which skin Need. Make another mask of almond powder and apply your skin. Every mask is not suitable for every skin, but and mask. Suitable for every skin you can add other things to almond powder, make a perfect mask according to your skin, and apply it on your skin. It will help your skin look younger and reduce wrinkle lines. And the third benefit is how almonds make our meals healthier? We can use almonds in our daily meals like adding almonds to a salad or making almond milk which is very helpful for people who have fast or in our daily routine. It is very helpful for almonds So we should consume all Monday in our daily life like raw and roasted raw almonds in the early morning, empty stomach, and uh add milk almond milk in the evening and also almond adds in the salad. Why it is important to remove armored skin? According to research, eating soaked almonds or skin removed is the best way. What are the benefits to consume soaked almonds?
There are many benefits to eating Soaked almonds. Because socked Because soft almonds are full of nutrients and Vitamin Minerals. It is easily digestible. Overall socked arm almonds are very helpful for our hair, skin, and internal body almonds also helpful for our eyes and bones and boost brain function. How many types of almonds? There are two varieties of almonds. One is sweet almonds and 2nd is bitter almonds. Take the first variety of almonds is sweet almonds. Sweet almonds are edible and also use in cooking. 

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