What to do in winter rain

What to do in winter rain


It is very common and familiar to be stuck in the winter rain. there are several options to avoid such a stuck inside and boring time situation when it is raining outside in winter and you are stuck in a one place. but when you are at home try some new activities which are given below!

1.Try cushion and blanket for fun

it is a great time to spend with your family, friends, and children.  kids love this fun and activities.

Kids love to take the cushions off the couch and use blankets or sheets to create forts. As a mom, I want my pillows in the right places, but when I get inside the kids’ fort, we all forget about that for a while. Rainy day activities are a fun break for adults also.

2. Bake something

Baking delicious. doesn’t have to be unhealthy. . try some unique baking recipes Look up something yummy and get to bake.

3. Play some video games with your children Board games. Card games. Make up a game. Spice it up and make it a tournament-style game day.

4. Create a Restaurant menu at home. it is also a very good activity when you are stuck inside in winter on rainy days, you should make some spicy and delicious winter recopies which are healthy and tasty. you can do it with your partner and children also and make your time more special, which makes your bonding so strong.

Hobbies can start in winter rain.
cold days of winter

5. Play dates

Call a friend and team up to keep your kids occupied inside while you guys go catch up on life over some coffee in the kitchen. It’s a win-win situation. 

6. Puzzles

They are inexpensive, educational, and will keep your kids occupied for hours!

 7. Watch Movies and Documentaries

Yes, sometimes it’s completely okay watch movies and documentary according to your interest all day. Make a bowl of popcorn and enjoy this time beautifully. Plus, you’ll get some quality cuddle time with your little ones. 

8. Arts and crafts

Make some slime, homemade playdough, or go the more traditional route with a good ole-fashioned coloring book. try painting, sketch book. There are TONS of kid’s craft ideas online, choose any one according to your interest and try it search from google and other internet platforms. 

9. Science experiments

It is a great learning source for children   Use common household items to create experiments with. There are so many safe, fun, and kid friendly science experiments out there, all you have to do is look! To make your job easier just click here for plenty of ideas. 

10.Mend the old clothes.

When you spend spare time in winter when you stuck inside try this activity that is mend old clothes.

11. Dance party and music            try some fun music and silly dancer after just letting loose for a few minutes? 

12. Scavenger hunt

Make a list of things your kids are sure to find around the house and send them hunting until they find all the items. Bonus points to whoever can find the shoe you’ve been missing for months.

13. Learn how to draw

 Watch a tutorial on how to draw your favorite cartoon character and spend the afternoon tuning up your creative abilities. 

14.Pretend play

good activity pretend play. parents and children enjoy this time.

Hobbies can start in winter rain.
Spend more fun time with your family in cold winter

15. Lip sync battle

Also known as karaoke, play some of your kids’ favorite songs and see who can put on the best show. Bonus points for the kid who dresses up and truly plays the part.

16. Make Paper airplanes

Learn how to make paper airplanes and have a contest to see who can come up with the best design that flies the farthest.

17. Talent show

Everybody   enjoys this activity, because every kid has some unique talent, explore it this is a great time for it. 

18. Read books

Reading is a great hobby, by this hobby you can explore yourself and many things. keep it in your life. choose good books which makes you, not destroy you! it is a great hobby + activity.

19. Play in the garage/Hall

Move your car out of the way and let your kids have at it. Play dodgeball, ride scooters, and do most of your favorite outdoor activities without the outdoors. 

20. Clean your house

If your kids are really bored, put them to work sweeping, dusting, and folding laundry, but make it fun of course! Play some tunes and dance around the house while you make it spotless.


Try start your day with yoga, after this you can try some other activities like Beauti treatments, make soup and also make a special dinner date. 

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