National and International_ Events and festivals in May


 According to the Gregorian calendar, May falls between April and June. There are fifth  months with 31 days in a year. According to the older Roman calendar, May was the third month of the year. In the Northern Hemisphere, it is a spring month, while in the Southern Hemisphere, it is an autumn month.  May is the time when summer begins properly. Many crops are Bow and harvested in May. Most significant crops are grown in the summer listed here! Tomato, Hot pepper (red and green chilies, etc.), sweet pepper (capsicum, etc.), Brinjal, Cucumber, Okra, Bottle Gourd, Sponge Gourd, Bitter Gourd(karela), Tinda Gourd, Pumpkin, Arum, Potato, Mint, Turmeric, Ginger, Musk Melon (Garma), Watermelon, Mango, Sweet Potato & Groundnut are summer crops.

National and International_ Events and festivals in May
 National and International_ Events and festivals in May 

Some of the most popular summer vegetables are:        

  1. Cucumbers.
  2. Tomatoes.
  3. Peppers.
  4. Squash.
  5. Sorrels.
  6. Beans.
  7. Greens.
  8. Berries.
  9. Some important events of May are celebrated at the National and International level

  • Significant events and festivals of May are listed!
  • Dates & Month

    Events or Festivals

    1st May

    International Labour day

    2nd May

    World Migratory bird day

    3rd May

    Press freedom day

    4th May

    Coal miner’s day

    6th May

    International “No Diet Day”

    7th May

    World Athletes   Day

    8th May

    World Red Cross Day

    10th May

    National Receptionist Day,  National shrimp day

    11th May

    National children's mental health day

    12th May

    National Limerick Day

    13th May

    International Mother Day, Fairy trade day and National apple pie day.

    14th  May Spinal

    Spinal cord injury awareness day day.

    15th May

    International Day of Families

    17th May

    International Day against Hemophilia, Transphobia and Biphobia,

    19th May

    National Armed Force Day

    21st May

    International tea day, World Meditation Day, National Strawberries and cream day, National Talk like Yodha Day, National eat more fruit and vegetable day.

    22nd May International International

    International Day for biological diversity.

    23rd May World

    World  Crohn's and colitis day.

    24th May

    International Women's Day for Peace and disarmament

    26th May National

    National spinach day, National Cheesecake's cake day, don’t fry day, National Road, trip day, and World Dracula Day. 

    27th May

    National sunscreen day.

    28th Day

    International Day of Action for Women health day, National Memorial Day and Hamburger Day.

    29th May

    National Paper clip Day.

    30th May

    National Mint Julep Day.

    31st May World

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