World's cancer day


  1. What is cancer disease?                                                                                                                         Cancer is a disease, in which cells are divided uncontrollably and spread into the surrounding tissues by the blood or lymph system.   Mostly it happens when changes occur in the section of DNA called Genes.                   Causes of cancer disease:                                 the main causes of cancer disease in the body are here like smoking, weight gain or obesity, use of alcohol, and too much use of UV rays means ultraviolet radiation, don't share needles, practice safe sex and never skip sunscreen cream while to face sun exposure avoid sun exposure, especially in summer between 10:00am to 4:00pm when sun rays are so strong, they cause skin cancer.
    World's cancer day
     Top 10 factors that cause cancer in any part of the body.  Listed here:     1. Genetics or changes in genes 2. consumption of Alcohol
    , 3. Chronic inflammation, 4. Hormonal changes, 5. Diet, 6. Some viruses and bacteria                      7. Infectious agents,8. radiation,                      9. Organ transplantations.    10. Age factor also counted when lifestyle is not healthy.                            Some food like tomatoes, salted fish, [ Chinese style] Red meat, Alcohol, Fast food, or processed food, etc.                           There are many types of cancer, some of which are listed here:   Brain cancer, blood cancer, lung cancer, breast, skin, and thyroid cancer.                                                                                The non-cancerous part of the body is NAILS and HAIRS.   How prevent every type of cancer?
  2.  The top 10 general tips are here to prevent cancer listed here: 
    World's cancer day

    active physically and mentally, try exercise, yoga poses, and meditation every day which keeps your immune system strong, prevent different exercises, and take a healthy and balanced diet. Get vaccinated. Maintain a healthy weight. No smoking and no type of tobacco and no alcohol in your life say bay these bad habits if you live a good healthy life. you should. Take part in an organized cancer screening program. you should know your family history. And if you need or are at a different stage of cancer like 1st, 2nd or 3rd stage of cancer unfortunately you should consult your doctor and take medicines according to the prescription. you can take medicines during the first stage of cancer. Do not worry you are a warrior, never lose hope. it is a chapter of your life, not a whole life. think positive, keep active, and take precautions. we will end it one day.

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