International mother language day

International mother language day


 Why and when celebrated international mother language day?                                                                International Mother Language Day is celebrated 21st of Feb every year across the world. This event is celebrated every year to remember peopleat the mother, language is very important for every person. I know every language has importance as another language. Though. No one can say that English is only the best language. In fact. English is an international language that is used for international business deals. But not a scale to measure the intellectual level of any person. So everyone focused on their own mother language. First of all, parents should teach their children their mother language.  After this they learn other languages, Children first of all, should learn their mother language and learn other languages later. 

International mother language day
International mother language day

 International Mother Language Day is celebrated 21st of Feb every year. 

                                                   In November, the UNESCO. In general conference. Decided to celebrate your 21st February as an international mother language day. Why was Mother Language Day proposed by which country? Bangladesh is the first country who came up with the idea to celebrate International Mother Language Day. A resolution was passed by the UNESCO General Conference in 1999, and it has been observed around the world since 2000.                                                                                                                       One interesting fact about international mother language day this day is celebrated to promote the importance of the mother language of every town, city, and country and raise awareness about how to preserve their local language? so, the basic purpose is to promote and serve the local language of every town, village, city, and country UNESCO declared the 21 February as an international mother language day in1991 in a general conference and Bangladesh is the first country who promote them and celebrate this day in 1999 and in 2000 every country saw this idea and know the basic thing that Bangladesh this day?                                                                                                                                                                                                                  What is the importance of the mother language?               When a child is born, he or she first learns their mother tongue. Hence, we can also give shape our emotions and thoughts with it. A mother tongue can also enhance critical thinking, literacy, and the ability to learn a second language.               
International mother language day

                                                                                                                                                                 Why is language so important?                                                  A language is a primary tool for speaking, writing and reading is first learned to understand we and others talk. By looking at how people use language - what words and phrases they unconsciously choose and combine - we can understand ourselves better and why we act the way we do.                        There are 5 benefits to learning new languages:     

                                                                                        Improved memory, enhance skills to solve critical thinking or problem, enhance concentration, better-listening skills, and hence the ability of multitasking.                                                                           What's so great about our language?

This keeps us connected to our roots, and we shouldn't be embarrassed by them. Unfortunately, we feel that if our kids speak English fluently, they'll be considered more literate. As a matter of fact, we need to protect their mother languages, because every language has its own importance. We should respect others' languages, but it does not mean giving importance to our language. it is a good thing to learn other languages like English, Turkish language, Korean, Chinese, and so on, but remember to learn our mother language and after this to learn others. and the most important thing is to protect their mother or local languages. many ways to protect your local language like reading, writing teaching, use social media in their local languages.

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